First Aid to Children and Babies Course

Leer in deze Engelstalige kinder EHBO-cursus alle vaardigheden om eerste hulp te verlenen aan kinderen en baby’s, inclusief reanimeren en gebruik van AED. Learn all the skills to provide first aid to children and babies, including CPR and AED use, in this English-language pediatric first aid course.

First Aid to Children and Babies Course

Leer in deze Engelstalige kinder EHBO-cursus alle vaardigheden om eerste hulp te verlenen aan kinderen en baby’s, inclusief reanimeren en gebruik van AED. Learn all the skills to provide first aid to children and babies, including CPR and AED use, in this English-language pediatric first aid course.



During this children’s first aid course you will practice all the first aid skills needed for first aid for children and babies. CPR and the use of an AED are also discussed in this course. You learn how to bring a child to safety, assess the condition and alert the emergency services.

Under the guidance of a certified Red Cross instructor you will learn to provide first aid to a child with: choking, choking or drowning, musculoskeletal injuries, neck and spinal injuries and head injuries, foreign object in nose and ear, lost/broken tooth, fever and febrile seizures, circulatory arrest, unconsciousness, hemorrhage, skin wound, burn, COPD, poisoning, nosebleed, dirt in the eye, tooth through the lip, finger in the door and severe allergy.

After successful completion of the course, you will receive an IKK-approved Red Cross First Aid certificate after completing the course. The certificate is valid for two years and can be extended by following a refresher course. After the course you will receive the course book First Aid for Babies and Children as a reference.


The cancellation conditions of the Red Cross apply to this course.



2019: This course has an accreditation for 8 points in categorie A (subcategorie A2)

2023: This course has an accreditation for 8 points in categorie A (subcategorie A1)

Language Engels/English
What to learn? EHBO inclusief reanimatie en AED/First aid including CPR/AED
Is this a refresher course? No
Who do you want to be able to help? First aid for babies and children
What you learn Allergic reaction, Unconsciousness with breathing, Unconsciousness without breathing, Bleeding, Broken bones, Burns, First aid in 4 steps, Head and vertebral injuries, Skin wounds, Minor accidents, Bruises, Febrile seizures, Shortness of breath, Injuries from insects and animals, Mild traumatic brain injury, Hypothermia, Dislocation, Eye Injury, Overheating, CPR & AED, Drowning, Poisoning, Choking/Suffocation, Sprains
How you learn? Classic in a group
What do you get afterwards Rode Kruis certificate (EFAC, European recognized)
Validity certification 2 years
Meets IKK Act (childcare), KCKZ accreditation

Rode Kruis EHBO cursussen

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